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  • Rob

Marsden Moorland Restoration

Some very old (15years plus) and successful wooden dams installed by staff and volunteers on the Marsden Moor Estate were reaching the end of their life with the timber starting to rot. We were commissioned to survey the area and identify further erosion control of the deap peat. Plastic piling was selected to be placed behind existing wooden dams to offer additional support and retain water stabilising the gully side. On the steeper slopes were the erosion had reached the mineral layer stone dams were installed to slow the water and prevent further scouring.

In addition to this nearly 6000litres of bead-a-moss was spread across the site to increase the amount of peat forming sphagnum.

The works included identifying the works, preparing and airlifting the materials onto site, installing the stone dams, spreading the bead-a-moss leaving the trusty volunteers to install the plastic dams.

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